Concer: Comece pela segurança
Concer: Comece pela segurança

Ônibus de videomonitoramento será usado para segurança durante a Exposição

The video-monitoring bus will be used as an integrated command center between the Civil Guard and the Military Police during Expo Petrópolis, which starts on the 28th. The vehicle will be placed in the concert area to monitor the movement of the public and to prevent crimes in the Days of the party. Guarda will also work in the vicinity of the Municipal Park Mayor Paulo Rattes, in Itaipava.

Two guards and two MPs will monitor the footage captured by the vehicle’s cameras during the party period. In addition, the commanders of the two corporations will be in the car every day of the event. They have already been in the Municipal Park to close the details of the security scheme.

“We will put the maximum amount of equipment necessary to ensure maximum safety. We are also asking for support from the Civil Police, the Federal Highway Police. We will act from the inside if our presence is necessary. Our biggest concern at the moment is to guide all people to be careful about their documents and belongings, leave them in their front pockets for more safety, and avoid alcohol and driving. If you drink, use public transportation, “he says. Commander of the 26th Military Police Battalion, Oderlei Souza.

The Guard will have 15 men who will have the support of two cars and two motorcycles to carry out the patrol outside the Municipal Park. They will curb traffic violations and irregular trade, among other crimes.

The MP’s staff will vary between 40 and 50 men per day, but could reach 60 if it is necessary to mobilize more personnel. Nine cars and three bikes will be used.

The XXVIII edition Petrópolis Expo will happen between April 28th and May 7th and has a public forecast of 180,000 people . Icons of the national sertanejo scenery and other successful musicians in the country will present themselves during the event period. In addition, rescuing the origins of the party, will promote various rural attractions, such as Farm Producer Fair, mini farm and exhibition and auction of race horses.

More in:

Check out the shows that take place at Expo Petrópolis

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